I am particularly drawn to the quality of light and the quietness of the natural world. Working on our small fruit farm when I was young gave me lots of time outdoors. We hiked, camped, and canoed. Agricultural research provided a career and a means to contribute to sustainable crop production, however, I was always interested in what was beyond the fields.

I have had a camera for most of my life and photography became very important after the year 2000. A disc bulge led to severed and crushed nerves in my lower back, an unsuccessful surgery, and 8 years in bed or a recliner trying to survive unimaginable pain. Through this difficult period spending time with family, gazing at the natural world, and expressing myself with my camera saved me after many dark nights of the soul. A second surgery started a long slow recovery. While still limited, today I can get out and be in quiet natural places, open to what is around me and what is within.

I set up this website to share what I see and experience. Enjoy. Feedback welcome.

Drawn to sublime light

the transient light of early day

richly coloured, reflected

and partially revealed

I follow the river into shadow and mist

feeling land and landscape

feeling colour and form

open to what is



DD (2018)